Green Beer Day

Site dedicated to the irreverent St. Patrick's Day substitute holiday celebrated by tens of thousands of college students. Next celebrated on March 12, 2009 in Oxford, Ohio.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

And so it begins...

Now that winter break is nearly upon us, it is time to sit back with a Heineken, screw on the old Green Beer Day thinking cap and begin planning for this year's t-shirts. God I could use some SDS right now. They're chicken club subs are like crack. I have already been contacted by many a student who has a good idea for a design and is trying to figure out just how to make it happen. Of course we offer financing of a project if it sounds like a good idea and we usually end up paying for most of the printing. If you have any ideas, drop me a line:

On another front, I was wanting to know if anyone out there had any pictures or video footage from last year's Green Beer Day. I can give you a free t-shirt if you send me something good. I was thinking of putting together a best of GBD wall to show you the variety and history of t-shirts through time...from the old ones in the 80s to the newer ones in the 90s...a living history museum of kickass t-shirts. Send 'em in, k?

If you are planning on selling t-shirts, caps, stickers, wristbands, etc. this year...I will link you on the website. Just e-mail me and I will add you to the GBD marketplace on